Monday, March 24, 2008

Lab : Komponent 131

About a month ago I went to the LAB:Komponent 131 concert on the lovely M/S Half Machine barge in the South Harbor. "8bit klubben" (The 8-bit Club) delivered visuals for the event. It was lots of fun! Good atmosphere, lots of friendly people, interesting DJs.

The barge itself is an old so-called "Engineering platform", purchased for scrap value by a collective of artists for use as concert venue and art stage. It last saw active engineering duty during the construction of Storebæltsbroen.

The barge is presently semi-permanently moored on Teglholmen, in the Copenhagen South Harbor.

Half-Machine wouldn't be "half" as cool as a concert venue if it didn't have the lovely stacks of LED display blocks (salvaged scrapped stadium scoreboards) for blasting the dancers with strobing and pulsating patterns of red and green bright lights from the LED stacks behind the DJs. The blocks are controlled with Arduino boards programmed and wired up by 8-bit klubben, and they are simply lovely, even if they're missing a pixel or two.
Right now only a handful of blocks are hooked up. Possibly this spring we will be able to hook them all up (there are 26 total, each with 16x8 pixels) with Processing (maybe using Wiring as an Arduino alternative) so we can run PC controlled graphics and video on the display blocks - this would allow us to use more interactive patterns and live video from the audience.

Another visual from 8-bit klubben - a camera / projector combo with Processing painting pretty light graffitti in response to user provided highlights from laser pointers or LED flashlights.

This video tracker painted people as swarms of green pixels in between abstract geometry and checkerboards.

My video from the event (slightly over-edited!)

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